Cruz: It’s Time For Biden Impeachment Inquiries


Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

GOP Senator Ted Cruz called Sunday for impeachment inquiries against Joe Biden to begin, noting that the special council appointment of U.S. attorney David Weiss is a “cover up”.

“I think it’s disgraceful,” Cruz told Fox News, adding “David Weiss was the U.S. attorney handpicked to lead this investigation who spent the last five years covering it up.”

“David Weiss, who was personally selected by the two Democrat senators from Delaware, Tom Carper and Chris Coons, for five years, the investigation has gone nowhere, other than to protect Hunter Biden and Joe Biden,” Cruz further asserted.

“Not only that, David Weiss is the one that is subject to two whistle-blower complaints from senior career IRS officials who came forward,” the Senator continued.

Cruz continued, “They said they’d never seen an investigation like this in their entire time in law enforcement. They said that the Department of Justice lawyers working for David Weiss protected the Biden family, that they gave heads-up to Hunter Biden before search warrants were executed, presumably so that he could hide incriminating evidence, that they refused to allow them to ask any questions at all about the Big Guy, about Joe Biden, that they were focused on, you cannot inquire into President Joe Biden’s personal corruption.”

“David Weiss either was an active participant in covering up this criminality and protecting Joe Biden in engaging in obstruction of justice. That’s option one. Or, option two, he wasn’t the driver. He was just complicit. He was so weak that he couldn’t stop the partisans in main Justice from turning it into a political effort to protect Joe Biden,” Cruz explained.

“Either case, he is a wildly inappropriate person to be a special counsel,” he concluded.

Turning to Hunter Biden’s involvement in alleged corruption, Cruz noted that “Hunter has no marketable skills. No one on planet Earth would pay him $20 million to do anything.”

“What Hunter was selling was daddy. This was Joe Biden’s business, shaking down — mind you, not shaking down our friends, not shaking down France or England or Italy, but shaking down corrupt oligarchs in communist China, to the tune of over $20 million,” Cruz urged.

“Hunter was the salesman, but the product was Joe Biden’s personal favors. And that is, if true, corruption at the very highest level of government,” the Senator further emphasized.




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