The False Light of Devolution – The Dark to Light Deception

Patriots In Control Is A Lie.



Patriots In Control (Upbeat Edition)

Trust The Plan? (Dustin Nemos)

Your clickbait channels tell you the good guys are in control while they get rich for spreading hopium lies during a 5 alarm fire situation.

Ask them then.

Why are children still being transbutchered and hormone drugged?
Why are people dropping dead from suddenlies?
Why is half the world now infertile and white people nearly extinct. 8% world pop, 4% of fertile world population or less. Mostly aging out.
Why are the Jews who are ACTUALLY in control banning Gods word as hate speech?
Why are parents and patriots being targeted and railroaded by the system as terrorists for not wanting their children raped in school for extra credit?
Why are J6’ers still sitting there, and they doubled the rate of arrests this year?
Why can’t Trump answer about his relationship with God, or say that he was saved? Why can’t he admit the poisons or condemn the genocide? He’s said Get er dun 3x already instead!

Patriots are NOT in control. (MUST WATCH)

Those who are, pass laws to destroy their enemies, force a popular presidential candidate in the allegedly most powerful nation on Earth to travel to their nation to pass “Hate Speech” laws restricting your First Amendment, imprison innocent people for years while torturing them and get caught setting them up, and its swept under the rug despite everyone knowing, send dozens of FBI at families and point guns at children, setup wars, destroy economies, poison 1/3 of the world with vaccines, run all the porn, are behind the hollyweird grooming, and are forcing parents to allow their children to be groomed for sex activism and use in public schools.

They burn down states forests leading to record loss of life, and its called wildfires.

They start race wars leading to billions of dollars of damage in hundreds of cities.

They create terrorist paramilitary’s of their young (not yet employed by Government) and when they commit crimes they get released, when they get challenged by truthspeakers – we’re told it’s an idea – not an organization.

They control the worlds borders and are behind multicultural immigration.

They beat old women, rape children, imprison just men for speaking out against it, and control every single voice, without exception, that we listen to that isn’t being called a Nazi for using the J word.

They dress as demons and groom children, strip naked, or perform lewd sexual acts on TV and in our streets with “Pride.”

Transgenderism originated from their unholy anti bible from Babylon, the Talmud

They promote materialism and flesh everywhere we look, violence and drug abuse in our childrens music.

They normalize the continual slippery slope of degradation.

They harvest living babies whom they cut to pieces for money, without painkillers. Some stolen from mothers told they had died during childbirth.

They blackmail your leaders with child sex videos.

They get a free pass on stealing nukes, spying on us, having stolen nukes, and not participating in the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, and when they threaten to use them, the world powers ignore it or approve it.

They are disproportionately represented in every element of power, wealth, and corruption – universally – without exception, over the entire course of human history.

They destroyed Rome, Hellenic Greece, Burnt Chicago, Burnt London (twice), and have instigated virtually every war in the modern era, including all 3 world wars – which has already wiped out over 50% of Caucasian Israel, whose Identity they stole.

They are behind the secret societies, infiltrated the pagan church of Rome via Loyolas, the first Jesuit and before, as early as Julius and Nero. Why did Brutus betray his friend Julius? Selling out the empire to the Jews for political power.

They were behind the Dark Ages, and Inquisitions – killing Christians for daring to read Gods word. They are why Catholics pray repetitive prayers to Dead bones and call men “Father” despite it being forbidden by God.

They’ve been evicted from nearly 200 nations (including multiples) for ritual murder of Christian children and peoples after being found guilty in courts of law. Like Saint Simon of Trent.

They are the reason Christians think the Rapture will save them from The Tribulation that has already begunaccording to the signs they were commanded to watch for and be sober and vigilant for.

They are the reason Christians stopped following God’s laws, whom Yeshuah (Jesus) Christ said would never end.

They were behind MLK jr, Rosa Parks, George Floyd, the ADL (Founded to defend their child rape) and the Fake News.

They are the reason the world believes in Globe Scientism rather than Scientific Method.

Global warming to deindustrialize, depopulate and enslave.

They created vaccines to poison Christians.

They Poisoned 1/3 of Christians during the “Black Plague” which wasn’t a plague.

The Spanish Flu – Them

The Irish Potato Famine – Them

The Holodomor – Them, The firebombing of women and children by the millions at Dresden, them.

9/11 – Them

The Chinese Communist Party, The Bolshevik and French Revolutions, the wars in the middle east, them.

The word cannibal – Canaanite Priest of Baal sacrificing and eating babies to Satan’s antiChrist King – Nimrod. Whose body we invaded Iraq and killed a million people for, supposedly hunting Weapons of Mass Destruction. Now DARPA wants to resurrect ancient creatures and is funding resurrection genetics technologies.

They slew the Prophets. Even Jesus “His blood be on us and on our children”

But not in one of these instances has justice been served. The one man who tried to stand up to them politely, peacefully, and in defense of Christ and Christian, western values – you’re literally afraid to talk about or you’ll be branded a Nazi.

Most of our people cheer their puppets like Trump & Tucker, yet they will never tell you any of this and were created so you do not find out.

not in one of these instances have good guys yet won the day.

That is power.

Patriots are NOT in control.

But they will be. Soon. The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon comes.

All of this was written down – on both sides, long ago. Gods prophecies are being fulfilled, for those who are watching the very specific signs come to pass. They had their self fulfilling “prophecies” as well, prescient documents laying out the plan to poison us by becoming Dr’s. Enslave us by becoming Politicians, Judges, and Lawyers. And to lead us away from God by becoming clergymen and priests.

The stories of giants, such as Goliath? Their ancestors. Nephilim Hybrids from Genesis 6.

Welcome to the Seed War of Genesis 3:15

France Has Fallen to the Jewish Kalergi Golem Invasion Strategy – Good Short Summary Of Their Kalergi Plan Endgame

The Jews…….

Burned down Rome and blamed the Christians
Killed the Son of God
Planned WW1 (17 years before) – Started WW1
Instigated a genocide of Hungarians (Béla Kun)
Own all Hollywood studios
Own the magazines
Own the newspapers
Own the social media platforms
Own the porn industry and use it to demoralize
Print all the school books
Control Wall Street
Control the School System,
Control the FBI,
Control the CIA,
Control the NSA,
Control the UN,
Control the WEF,
Control the Federal Reserve (And all Central Banks)
Controlled the KGB
Ran the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, now blame it on White Christians.
Starved to death 12-18 Million White Ukrainian Christians,
Started the French Revolution
Started the Cuban revolution
Started the Russian Revolution – Killed 50-67 Million White Christians,
Started the German Revolution
Started the Spanish Revolution
Started the Chinese Revolution (Co-launched)
Started the “Rhodesian Bush War”, led to the cleansing of White Farmers
Started the ethnic cleansing of Serbia
Started the American opioid crisis: killed milliins of Americans
Started WW2 – blamed the Germans
Started “Drag Queen Story Hour” (Jew Michelle Tea)
Lied about being gassed
Ethnically cleansed Palestine,
Stole Israel in 1948 after the Rothschild-Balfour Declaration,
Changed the immigration policies in western countries in 1965
Attacked The USS Liberty
Attacked The USS Cole
Attacked The Twin Towers, World Trade Center, and Pentagon,
Sent America’s sons to die for Israel in pointless, middle eastern wars
Lied about WMDs in Iraq and repeated the above
Invented communism
Invented the “Frankfurt School”
Invented the “Over Population Theory”
Invented apartheid and anti-apartheid in South Africa (supported both sides)
Invented the phone sex business (Jew feminist Gloria Leonard)
Invented the Abortion Pill,
Invented the mass produced Condom,
Invented Feminism,
Invented the LGBTQIA+ Movement,
Invented the Anti-Christian pride Movement,
Invented the ADL, (after Rape and Murder of Mary Phagan),
Mutilate the genitals of infant boys then suck the blood from their bleeding penises (spreading their STDs to infants),
Invented Black Lives Matter,
Invented the NAACP,
Invented Antifa,
Invented the KKK,
Invented NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association),
Invented Communism,
Invented a climate disaster 3 times (global cooling, global warming, climate change),
Invented fake news,
Invented fake viruses,
Invented fake and lethal vaccines,
Invented the use of mercury to fill people’s teeth
Founded CPUSA (Communist Party USA) in 1919 (Jew C. E. Ruthenberg)
Founded Southern Poverty Law Center in 1971 (Crypto Jew Morris Dees)
Founded the abortion industry
Founded: “The Church of Satan” (Jew Anton LaVey)
Founded: “The Satanic Temple” (Jew Malcolm Jarry)
Wrote: “The Satanic Bible” (Jew Anton LaVey)
Wrote: “The Satanic Witch” (Jew Anton LaVey)
Infiltrated and took control of Freemasonry,
Put phytoestrogen (soy oil) in corporate baby formula (for males),
Put all of the fluoride in the water,
Were expelled from over 1000 countries and communities (Afghanistan & Yemen recently),
Are demoralizing all western nations
Are Satanic,
Openly admit worshipping Lucifer as their god (Whistleblower Harold Wallace Rosenthal),
Are called the synagogue of Satan by the very Son of God

Conservatives, why do you support Israel when:
* Israel sells US military secrets to China.
* Israel spied on America.
* The ADL censors you.
* Epstein worked for Mossad.
* They attacked your Navy vessels.
* You are forced to give them more aid than Ukraine.
* They drag your military into foreign wars.
* The wars will create refugees.
* The fake news media backs Israel.
* Israel was created by the Rothschilds
* Palestinians are christians, the OG, are persecuted by Israel.
* You are pro-life when the Israelis kill babies.
* Israel is the most LGBT-woke-lib ‘state’ in the region.
* The Palestinian areas are templates for “smart cities” – literally with AI machine guns and Permits required for movement.
* Israel is threatening you with Nukes?

The Descent Into Truth – Click to Enlarge


Patriots are not in control. But they will be soon. To know who rules over you, watch this video. For Evidence, See our Hidden History Archive…

This corruption includes most of our “leaders” and “Influencers” even in Conservatism. Trojan Trump as well.

“Trust Durham”

Confirmed: Fusion GPS Withheld 1,500 Documents from Durham Investigation on the Origins of the Trump-Russia Hoax – And Durham Did Not Take Legal Action

Got To >> Https://



Update: NESARA/GESARA Deception:

“some of you folks need a refresher on why NESARA/GESARA is not only fake, it’s also a terrible idea:

I’m going to start the day heavy and get lighter as we walk. I’m going to tackle NESARA/GESARA which for the purposes of avoiding typer’s (I know it’s typist’s) cramp I’m going to call NG for the rest of the post.

For any of you folks who have been deep in the weeds on NG, which has been a favorite promise of the, shall we say, griftish folk, I want you to think about how many times you’ve heard that it is just around the corner. It’s a carrot to keep you walking down their path. It isn’t coming.

There is certainly a giant shift coming in the financial world of The West. Don’t know what or when, but it seems likely it will be foundationally an asset based cash system with some clean means for financing. That’s as deep as I’m willing to guess, because it’s a guess.

Now let me tell you why I’m on my knees praying NG is not real: as described in the grifterverse it is exactly the social credit scoring system you hope every day will never materialize.

The main NG narrative is that a quantum based currency management system that returns stolen wealth to the people and locks it down with unbreakable encryption will replace the current system. What does that sound like? It sounds like a centrally controlled digital currency, a concept that makes most sane people weak in the knees.

Furthermore, NG has a moral component. Be righteous, get resources. Be unrighteous, get the rug pulled out.

What does that sound like? It sounds like reward based social credit scoring. Another thing everyone is terribly frightened of.

Wide acceptance of the NG concept comes from the promise of easy days living your dreams while the quantum system monitors your righteous behavior. It’s attractive to those who would like people to be forced into their own concept of righteous. That is absolute totalitarianism.

You should thank God every moment you are awake and some moments when you’re asleep that NESARA/GESARA is grifterverse pablum.

If it were to come to pass you would instantly be freed of the dark state globalist system, and then instantly enslaved to a new system.

Careful what you wish for.”

~Patriot Professor




In Case You Missed It:

Sinwar – The Origins of Assault Trannies

The Hidden HisStory of Mankind, Mythology and The Mystery Babylon Religion of the Deep State – Condensed

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