France Under Siege: Third-Worlders Wage War After Police Shoot Muslim Criminal


Third-world migrants and their communist allies are waging BLM-style riots in France after a 17-year-old Muslim with a lengthy criminal history was shot by police during a traffic stop. As French authorities struggle to maintain any semblance of control and actually look like they’re losing the battle against the third-world mob that’s taken over the nation’s cities, Macron’s Prime Minister says that “all options” to restore order are being considered.

At least 250 police officers are estimated to have been injured thus far in the massive riots that have raged across France since Tuesday, the 27th of June, and the violence is showing no signs of stopping going into the weekend. The riots come after a 17-year-old Muslim, identified as “Nahel M.”, was shot by a French police officer during a traffic stop, as he attempted to flee the scene with a cop hanging out of his driver’s window.

It was that officer who shot “Nahel M.”, apparently to avoid being run over or killed.

Watch the video of the traffic stop shooting below: 

Video footage of the ongoing riots shows France looking like a war zone, and several video clips have shown rioters firing what appear to be military-style weapons, despite France’s strict gun control laws.

Other rioters have been using fireworks as artillery during their clashes with police, shooting the fireworks at not just law enforcement, but at buildings and vehicles, with catastrophic effects.

In the mayhem, libraries, schools, police stations, and even a power substation have been attacked and set ablaze.

Some reports have suggested that Muslim radicals and other so-called “migrant” groups are using the chaos as cover to wage third-world ethnoreligious clashes with their rivals and to kick off a jihadist-style campaign all over France, where Muslims now account for more than 10% of the total population.

In addition to the Islamists, French communists and Antifa members are seizing upon the violence to wage their own campaign of chaos, and have been seen in the streets alongside third-world rioters.

But amazingly, French President Emmanuel Macron has publicly blamed the war-like riots on video games and social media.

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