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No Till nor Plow, No Compost Piles, No Watering, No Fertilizer Purchased, No Weeding, Edenic Food Forest Permaculture
So far this year for garden: I’m adding a huge pile of tires into a mound (free tires) to create a strawberry/dragonfruit hill. (They cascade downward, the higher up you start the more you’ll get)I’ve added 6 muscadine plants recently. Hardy perennial fruit that will feed chickens if it drops, and the chickens feed it because the roots run under the coop partially.Unstoppable Food Famine Prep List for 2023: (What I did last year)I’ve added dozens of fruit trees (from babies, mostly, although the one in the chicken coop with a pile of chicken poop over it has grown over 15 feet tall in 1 year, the others are 1/3 that size at best.)Mulberries, Peaches, Loquats, Kumquats, Figs, bananas, avocados, nut trees, Citrus, lemons, Papayas, Pears, Plums, mangos,Rows of blueberries, blackberries and strawberries and gooseberries (i eat the leaves, delicious) that I can easily spread around them where 1 becomes many. Cherries, dewberries, Apples, soursop, guava, strawberry tree,Vining fruit on trellises, fences, using native palms as trellises (lifehack) etc Passionfruit and more. Tomatoes,Vine beens as long as your foot, snake beans as big as your arm.The DREADED (hottest in world) Carolina Reaper pepper (My brother likes hot stuff… I might use it to keep goats off plants)Onions, Potatoes, Herbs, Spices, Air potatoes (vine), Yams, Taro, Casava, Tamarind,
Unstoppable Food: Survival Gardening Tricks To Outgrow The Coming Famine
Unstoppable Food: N Florida (Zone 9) Edibles
Unstoppable Food Ep. 1 – Why We Farm – Introduction to Our Family Self Sufficiency Homestead!
Unstoppable Food Ep. 2: Hosanna Homestead #2: Midsummers Growth: Year One
Unstoppable Food Ep. 3. Right Plant For The Job
Unstoppable Food Ep. 4. Winter Garden Hacks – Instant Orchard, Big Garden – On a Budget.
Unstoppable Food Episode 5: Irrigation is Easier Than Legos – Automate Your Garden
Unstoppable Food Episode 6: Livestock Nipples Changed My Life
Unstoppable Food Episode 7: Ultimate Trellis, Vining Edibles Forever
Unstoppable Food Episode 8 – Fodder, Fertilizer, Closed Loop Bunny System
Unstoppable Food Episode 9 – Multiply Your Plants For Free, Exponential Food – Abundance
Unstoppable Food #11 – Life of Snowball the Fertilizer Bunny
Chatroom: Here
The Arnold Shitz-an-Egger – A Prototype Invention to Solve World Hunger & Waste 100%.
Food Shortages Incoming – Prepare Today With Backyard Farming
Need Lower PH Acidic Soil ? – USE SULFUR!
In Case You Missed It:
Hidden History: They are Hiding God, the Firmament, & The Seed War (/w Guest Mark Sargent)
Primordial Truth: Mapping the Rabbit Holes – Know Everything!
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