Stew Peters Network Releases ‘Final Days’ Film Exposing Satanic Transhumanist Elites


The mega-viral Stew Peters Network has released its latest film, Final Days, blowing the lid off of the satanic transhumanist global elite and their anti-God agenda to harness complete and total control over humanity.

Final Days is now available for streaming worldwide on Rumble and directly from the Stew Peters Network. The film promises to expose “the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods.”

The new Final Days film comes straight from the directors of the Stew Peters Network’s Died Suddenly, an absolute blockbuster that has garnered millions upon millions of views around the globe, exposing the bioweapon genocide plot that is COVID-19 and its so-called “vaccines”.

With Final Days, the Stew Peters Network will reveal the satanic transhumanist agenda of the same global elites who unleashed a bioweapon genocide on mankind – an agenda they are rolling out to assume complete and total control over all of humanity.

“The COVID pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come,” a description of the film on the Stew Peters Network’s Rumble channel reads.




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