Authored by Daniel Street via American Greatness,
The 2024 U.S. presidential election will likely pit former President Donald J. Trump against current President Joseph Biden in an epic rematch of the 2020 election. As most Americans know, in 2020, the Democrats and their allies on the far left reached deep into their bag of dirty tricks to put Biden in the White House. They will undoubtedly pull out all of the stops yet again in 2024. This time, however, far more people are watching and are aware of the grifts being run in our elections by the left.
With so many election integrity groups and concerned citizens watching this time around, what will the Democrats do to tilt the results in their favor?
They have quite a few arrows in their quiver, but virtually every trick relies on one thing: dirty voter rolls.
Voter rolls filled with unqualified voters—for instance, voters without a valid address or with an insufficient or incorrect address—are ready-made for fraud. A mailed ballot may go out to that person, but if the address is wrong or incorrect, the ballot will not reach the voter. These “floating ballots” are often gathered and cast as votes illegitimately. These practices, along with many others, are widely practiced around the country.
Election integrity groups all over America are fighting to clean voter rolls, state-by-state and town-by-town. Progress has been made. For instance, election integrity groups worked hard to clean up Wisconsin’s voter rolls after the 2020 election. Using fractal technology to tie voter rolls to addresses in state property tax databases, phantom voters are being removed from voter rolls throughout the country, making mail in ballot shenanigans more difficult. In Michigan, an election integrity group puts qualified voter file data at your fingertips, allowing ineligible voter registrations to be readily identified. These are just a smattering of the efforts going on across the country to clean up voter rolls, but hopefully the point is made: A lot of people are doing good work to try to clean up the voter rolls all over the country.
What is the problem, then? How will the Democrats and far-left non-governmental organizations (NGOs) tip the scales back in their favor?
Part of the answer is the National Voter Registration Act(NVRA). This Act is commonly known as the Motor Voter Law, because it mandates states to allow people to register to vote when obtaining a driver’s license. While this law actually requires states to remove the names of ineligible voters and to maintain “accurate” lists of registered voters and is used by election integrity groups to challenge inaccurate voter rolls, other provisions are problematic.
The NVRA provision presenting the problem in this context is 52 U.S.C. §20507(c)(2)(A).
This provision creates what is known as the “quiet period” in the 90 days leading up to a federal election and prohibits states from “systematically” removing “names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters” during that 90-day window. As the court observed in Arcia v. Fla. Sec’y of State, 772 F. 3d 1335 (11th Cir. 2014), the NRVA allows three forms of removals in the 90 days before an election: (1) removals at the request of the registrant; (2) removals for criminal conviction or mental incapacity; and (3) removals upon the death of the registrant. In that case, the court prohibited the Florida secretary of state from systematically removing illegally registered people who were not American citizens in the 90-day “quiet period.”
How will the left seek to take advantage of this 90-day “quiet period” where voters may not be systematically removed from the rolls?
What happened in Muskegon County, Michigan, in 2020 is illustrative. In October 2020, thousands of voter registration applications were filed in Muskegon County, Michigan. The city clerk was immediately suspicious, as many of the applications were in the same handwriting and contained incomplete or invalid addresses. The city clerk reported the matter to local police. An investigation confirmed many of the registrations were fraudulent and that the company gathering and submitting the registrations worked with Democratic political organizations, including working with the Biden campaign in multiple States in 2020.
The police interview with the contractor’s “compliance officer” was obtained by an independent researcher and released in November 2023. In it, the employee outlines the problems with “false registrations” that were happening “everywhere,” not just in Muskegon. Listen to this person’s interview for more on the type of organization this is and how it operates.
Under a provision of the Federal Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. §10307(c), a person who knowingly or willfully gives false information as to his “name, address, or period of residence” to register to vote or “who conspires with another individual” for the purpose of encouraging false registration may be imprisoned for 5 years. Despite this, no one was prosecuted for the thousands of false voter registrations submitted in Muskegon, Michigan. In fact, instead of expanding the investigation to other jurisdictions in Michigan as well as into other states, the investigation was shut down, according to news reports. That does not inspire much confidence in the people in charge of maintaining the integrity of our elections, does it?
In the 90-day “quiet period” established by the NVRA, local election officials are effectively the only screening system in place to block unlawful voter registrations. While challenging an individual registration remains possible in the 90-day “quiet period,” challenging thousands of registrations submitted on a particular day or series of days will undoubtedly be a prohibited “systematic” challenge. Do you think these officials in many of the Democrat bastions in big cities would refuse to accept these bogus registrations? Do you think what happened in Muskegon, Michigan, was an aberration? In jurisdiction after jurisdiction and city after city, piles of fraudulent registration applications will probably be readily accepted. After all, why not?
The bottom line is that the entire Democrat and far-left get-out-the-vote apparatus will be in overdrive in the 90 days before the 2024 presidential election, submitting as many voter registrations as possible (valid or not) in order to harvest as many ballots as conceivably possible.
This will be one of the primary battlegrounds that will determine the outcome of the 2024 election. Is the RNC ready for it?
If “what’s past is prologue,” the answer is probably not. Election integrity groups are doing what they can, but they will need your help.
If Americans hope to maintain legitimate elections, 2024 is the time for “all hands on deck.”
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