Top Democrats Know Biden Is Not Running For 2nd Term; Report


Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

According to a CNN report (make of that what you will) leading Democrats have begun reaching out to “possible replacements” for Joe Biden because they know that the 80 year old president will not run for a second term.

The report states that “top Democrats and donors” are having conversations with potential presidential candidates within the party because the pace of Biden’s apparent campaign is so slow.

The report cites “almost two dozen current Biden aides, top Democratic operatives and donors, and alumni of other recent campaigns,” who are concerned that “multiple big donors aren’t locking in,” and that “Grassroots emails are sometimes bringing in just a few thousand dollars.”

The piece adds that “Those who are placing the calls to the prospective Democrat candidates are telling them that despite what 80-year-old Biden has said, and despite launching his campaign, he actually will not run for president.”

As we highlighted earlier this week, even leftist shills for the Democrats are raging about how dodderingly foolish Biden is appearing on a daily basis.

This was in evidence Thursday as Biden almost fell up the smaller stairs to Airforce One AGAIN:

He simply cannot read things from a teleprompter, and comes out with gibberish:

During an appearance in Finland, Biden snapped at a reporter, stating that “I didn’t say we couldn’t guarantee the future! You can’t tell me whether you’re gonna be able to go home tonight.”

Just minutes earlier Biden had said “No one can guarantee the future,” with regards to the U.S. membership of NATO.


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