Reported by: The Gateway Pundit
Gateway Pundit and Matt Tyrmand on War Room were the first worldwide to report that the Brazilian military is moblizing under its constitutional authority to protect democracy. Sources on the ground now confirm that the Army is mobilizing and has eliminated key leaders of the Communist-allied drug cartels in Rio.
In an unusual step for the military, the Army has invaded favelas of Rio de Janeiro and killed top leaders of the Comando Vermelho (Red Command) drug cartel, which supports the Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Observers take this to indicate the beginning of a federal military intervention. The drug gangs were the only ones to celebrate the alleged election victory by criminal Lula Oct. 30, firing automatic weapons in the air in the favelas. President Bolsonaro cracked down hard on the Brazilian drug gangs.
“The heads of drug trafficking of Morro do Juramento and Juramentinho, identified as Rodrigo Barbosa Marinho, known as Rolinha or Titio Rolinha, and Hevelton Nascimento Júnior, the “Bad Boy”, respectively, were killed during a Military Police operation in Vicente de Carvalho on Thursday (1st). Three other suspects died in the action and one, who was also injured, is imprisoned in custody in the hospital” O Dia reports.
The drug cartels are the armed wing of the Communists. Comando Vermelho controls parts of Rio de Janeiro and was formed 1979 as an alliance between cartels and Communists. If they are eliminated, the risk 0f a civil war will be significantly reduced.
#Fortaleza 🇧🇷#BrazilianSpring #BrazilianSprings #BrazilWasStolem #BrazilNasRuas #BrazilElections #Elections2022#FraudElection #RiggedElections
— Lalo White (@LaloWhite_) December 5, 2022
Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, will be in Brasilia today Monday 5 for a meeting with corrupt criminal Lula and members of his coup. “The main item on the agenda is the charge for the Brazilian government to clearly condemn the war in Ukraine and engage with the U.S. and European partners in the supply of weapons to the Zelenski regime”, O Antagonista reports. The CIA has been undermining election integrity in Brazil since last year at least, with Sullivan and Biden’s CIA director William Burns visiting Brazilia to threaten President Bolsonaro directly.
Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians were protesting again on the weekend, standing outside army bases and pleading for the miltary to save their country from the Communists and cartels.
#SOSFORCASARMADAS @exercitooficial @marmilbr @fab_oficial
— Wagner (@WagnerLja) December 5, 2022
The corrupt Superior Electoral Court moved up the date to certifiy the stolen elections from Dec. 19 to 2 p.m. on Monday, December 12. Observers believe the pro-Communist Court wants to move quickly to install their candidate Lula da Silva, possibly even moving up the certification of the steal to this week. The inauguration is scheduled for January 1, 2023.
This put pressure on the Military High command to act before it’s too late. Speaking to Steve Bannon, Brazil observer Matt Tyrmand pointed out the pro-Bolsonaro Military would be in danger of being purged if the corrupt criminal Lula takes power. “It’s off to the Gulags then”, Tyrmand noted.
E disse Jesus:
“Pois onde dois ou três estiverem reunidos em meu nome, ali estou no meio deles” (Mt 18,20)— Vendedor MANÉ (@fulviofarah) December 5, 2022
The Military Deputy Prosecutor General, Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Pereira, sent a letter to the Military Prosecutor General, Antonio Pereira Duarte Nov. 25, noting the “failure to comply with the steps requested by the Ministry of Defense when inspecting the electronic voting system.” The letter also complained of “possible interference of foreign companies in the electoral process, which could not be verified since the military of the aforementioned team does not have broad access to information related to the electoral process, unlike these Big Tech companies, which maintain a partnership with the Electoral Court. There should be an investigation into a possible crime against the country’s external security regarding a possible cyber attack”, the letter states.
The official declaration of Article 142, which allows the military to intervene in the case of a conflict between the branches of government, is expected this week. Soldiers were seen joining the protestors and instructing them to remain calm when action comes. Drivers cheered military convoys deploying to strategic locations throughout the country.
É um dia normal,
Ensolarado e com bastante militares, ops ! Nuvens kkkkk#BolsonaroOrgulhoDoBrasil #LulaLadraoNaoSobeARampa #LulaLadrao #BrazilWasStolem— Supremo é o Povo (@PovoEosupremoBr) December 5, 2022
Troops have been deployed to the Venezuelan border to guard against Communist invasion:
Já estão no Extremo-Norte do Brasil os primeiros militares do CMS que vão compor o 15º Contingente da @OpAcolhida , na fronteira com a Venezuela. Eles viajaram em avião da @fab_oficial . A tropa, composta por 357 militares do RS, SC e PR, ficará cinco meses na missão humanitária.
— Comando Militar do Sul (@CmdoCMS) December 4, 2022
Speaking before the Brazilian Senate, retired Regional Election Magistrate Sebastião Coelho again called for the arrest of corrupt Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes, who has been carrying water for the Communist takeover:
JUDGE INSPECT○R, Seb@stião C¤elh¤, resigned before the BRAZIL ELECTIONS, in order not to obey ALEX@NDRE DE M○R@ES arbitrariness.
Now, at the Senate hearing, he calls for M○R@ES’ arrest once again – stating that the $UPREME C○URT carried out a C○UP – 11/30/2022
1/6 👇— Freedom Liberty (@SempreFreedom) December 3, 2022
Coelho stated that he had retired from his bench Aug. 19 in protest against Moraes, who is “waging war against his country. But I believe the Brazilian people will win.” Moraes is “committing crimes”, Coelho said. “Every illegal decision he makes is a crime.” Moraes had given Coelho 3 days to retract his call to arrest the Chief Justice, he said, “but I am reaffirming that call!” Coelho said to standing ovations.
“The Brazilian people are the victims of a coup by the Supreme Court”, Coelho said. “Therefore, the President must invoke Article 142 of the Constitution to enable the Armed Forces to act. This will be portrayed as a coup, but it is actually a counter-coup.”
Brazilian Indios are also protesting the fraud, since there were allegedly zero votes from the indigenous territories for Bolsonaro. “Everybody already knows the elections were stolen”, said Chief Roni before the Senate on 11/30. “What are we waiting for?” Brazilian Indios support Bolsonaro because racist, neo-colonial Western “Climate Activists” are trying to take away their livelihoods and make them live in poverty again.
Chief Roni declares that Alex@ndre de M¤rais is not a GOD, comments on foreign interference and interests in Brazilian politics, condemns the elections and calls for the people to unite against the international and internal political system – Senate hearing on 11/30/2022
— Freedom Liberty (@SempreFreedom) December 4, 2022
Matt Tyrmand tells @JackPosobiec: “In Brazil, you’ve got a private sector media that is so hard left in the bag for Lula…”
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 4, 2022
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