The Final Gatekeepers. Liars, Jews, and/or Pedophiles Kinda Naming The Jew – Dustin Nemos Response


FULL 10 HOURS MIRROR: All the Pedos Liars and or jews I exposed came to smear me and attack my family

Its worth seeing the specific pages on each person who was involved in this, because a number of spinoff short clips exposing them in this have surfaced by myself or others, such as Stew Peters: “In my history, I’ve molested children” ?????!!!!! @Credit to @Revelation3:9 on Bitchute

How To Respond To Them, Individually.

ImageOriginal Space Here
For the SECOND space with Ian I did to finally respond to the baseless lies – He stabbed me in the back again! see it here – Ian Malcom X Space: Supplemental Thoughts From Dustin Nemos
For WHY They wanted revenge in the first place, see my expose on each individual player Here –

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith YHWH.

~Isaiah 54:17Image

Frenz please share this, tagging you below. I need help, I’ve been wronged, my life thrown into chaos, my honor and reputation smeared with millions of people, and I only have a small voice to speak back the truth.


Mother Ignoring Kid Drowning In A Pool


The Final Gatekeeper. Liars, Jews, and Pedophiles Kinda Naming The Jew – Dustin Nemos Response

I apologize for losing my temper in this video. I went through this so you could see who they are. As I’ve been saying they were….which is why they came.


Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.



Ariel Plays the “No You’re a Pedo” Card.

Original post from Ariel and my thread rebutting and responding to Child Porn Ariel

Ariel CP Bust

As I am want to do on occasion, I expose the lies and dirt on various influencers who are Jews, Liars, and or pedophiles. You can find my work at including the expose’s on the vile people I will be bringing up in this discussion.

Ariel’s Child porn collection initially exposed by Brian Gamble and others, In which Ariel confessed to child porn on multiple computers and then lied about it, blaming it on the Flynn’s and saying Comcast helped delete the porn stash and told them it was the Flynn’s. ) his own mother debunked this lie.

This triggered Ariel to try to get even with me and in a triggered rage, – After threatening to “load on” me if I continued exposing his CP, he doxxed me and promoted fake news in order to protect himself from his own confessions and lies around child porn. He pulled a “no you did it” and told people I was a pedophile! His audience is half a million subscribers, mine is a less than 10k. This lie has traveled far by virtue of the imbalance of his uncensored reach over my highly censored voice, despite 0 evidence at all in support of his claim.

Comments – Solo talks about Police Vet

The “Source”

They accused me of horrible things based on an unsourced fake news article from instructing people that I am Q, that I am a pedophile, and that they should “tell people” that “which has been debunked” to “piss off Dustin”

Their Source Website
Comments – Actualbutt


Child Porn Ariel & Gang

Gang up Crowd 2
 @realstewpeters @TemosdnaH @Truthtellerftm @DMichaelTripi @ Adam Green @inthematrixxx @goodliontv

In The Matrixxx, Nick Alvear, Jeffrey “Jesus was a pedophile” Daugherty, and others picked this up and shared it, and continued to do so after being alerted that it was fake news.

Then his network of others who are also – in some cases – involved in pedophilia based on their own statements – helped him promote these lies. We have some of them admitting to wanting to hurt Nemos, to personal vendetta, etc.

To be blunt: Most of the criticism I saw afterward said basically this: I had it coming because I exposed those guys first.

Comments – Dustin Started It Rebuked


As if its ok to make up child porn because someone points out you’re jewish. That a precedent we want set? Think about that.

I will address WHY I expose them, here. – Expose lists on them all. BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRUST!

Why Nemos Exposes Crypto Jew Fake News

the major accounts who picked this up and defended this pedophile with fake news unvetted lies (including after I told them it was fake, politely, whereupon they doubled down) are

@InTheMatrixxx @Prolotario1 and @GoodLionTv & Truthteller on X a smaller account associated with @Utism_/Bullzeye named @BigBill60139099 told me later that it was him who had spread this targeted fake news to Ariel to amplify, and he also said “Dude we told you this was coming, Bullseye even told you before we deleted you from the telegram.” Which incidentally they did because I politely and earnestly asked Bullseye for proof to debunk Hitler was a Jew and he had nothing but triggered rage for weeks later…. They did a number of spaces about it and kept saying But Hitler Arrested a Rothschild! and when I point how Hitler had Jewish Genetics and the Rothschild was arrested for less than 2 months in a 5star hotel they blocked me and now this is the next thing I hear from them – targeted drama spread through lying loudspeakers like this Disney princess Ariel.

Dozens of smaller accounts within these peoples respective audiences picked up these lies and ran with it, the total potential reach of this event is likely to be around 30,000,000 souls.

So far, Between 200,000-3,000,000 people have been told vile lies about me, and I have almost NO voice to push back or defend myself – except the help of those who are seeing this for what it is. Who do not support or trust such people.


The “Terrible Space”

Terrible Space Results


Ian Malcolm Poll – Guilty
Ian Malcolm Poll – Guilty2 – Final

Given the disproportionate reach of Ariel (@Prolotario1), @Ianmalcolm84 offered to host a space to allow me to present my case and clear my name. I accepted.

For the first 2-3 hours, I absolutely wrecked his lies and proved he was a pedophile.

There was unanimous agreement he had lied, and I had not – he was indeed the guilty party with confessions to child porn.


Stew Peters & The Other Jews, Liars, and/or Pedophiles I’ve Exposed Show Up For Revenge

Gang up Crowd 1 (Partial, Adam Green too)

Many of the liars, pedos, and /or jews I’ve exposed recently came for revenge, as a mob, the night of the 21st of November. on Twitter on a space with my.. “friend…” IanMalcolm as host.

let everyone see what happened here.

I was called pedophile, faggot, gay, and a liar. They threatened to push me off a cliff in my wheelchair, they threatened my children with The same child trafficking CPS that took my little brother and sister and trafficked them.

Never proven. said hundreds of times. I continually was not given a chance to respond to people saying horrible things about me.

Shame on you Ian, for allowing it to happen. But I forgive you for picking sides with the popular big accounts. I get it. Pragmatic. Immoral. But Pragmatic. Please reconsider your actions and apologize. I understand that Ian was NOT behind the lies, but added “gasoline to the fire” in his own words and then abandoned moderation as he admitted later. Except when he wanted to say I was a bully for defending myself.

I will say that just because you disagree with me and my views or don’t like me does not give you the right to call me a pedophile. To unfairly set me up for 7 hours of gotcha questions and overtalk, who refuse to fairly moderate and then call me a victim or psychopath for complaining about the unfairness.

after a short recap for the low attention span or those in a hurry, I’ll go through both in more depths – its quite simple.

Legal Bulletpoints

1. No children involved, otherwise show the victim – they cannot.

2. A decade old mugshot for an arrest having to do with vicodin left in my home when my sister (who was stolen from us as a child along with my brother and trafficked by CPS, when I was reunited with her later she was a drug addicted prostitute like my mother.) whom I was attempting to help counsel out of that lifestyle was taken and baseless details added to it sourced only from a troll site without evidence for the claims.
This same troll site LITERALLY instructs its users to lie to harass and “piss off” Dustin Nemos, and claims I am Q.
The case and court documents do not in any way support their baseless claim, which is why I have no problem showing up to discuss all of this and expose these pedophile liars. These lies make no sense, such as Opiate flavored candies, and 6 year olds having cash to be doing shady playground drugdeals.

3. I hate any pharmakopeia and have been standing against it my entire life. I’ve also been exposing those who harm children at a very public level since 2017 as a journalist and believe all who harm children should be mandatorily by law given a quick death penalty. I don’t even drink beer.

4. I’m a Christian father of 4 who is happily married to a beautiful woman and I am the pastor of Uncensored.Church

5. Id love to have your help finding a competent attorney to review what we discuss here and seek libel or defamation damages on my behalf. I believe we can meet not only the libel and slander, but ample intent to cause harm – a standard necessary for public figures to actually go after anyone for libel or slander in US courts.

6. Regardless of what you believe about me, I hope you will agree with me that police in Ariel’s case need to be informed, as well as the useless FBI for whatever its worth – to investigate this CONFESSED CHILD PORN COLLECTOR. An investigation needs to happen, the child porn is still there on his computers – who knows what else they would find!?

Heroin Trafficking Charge Dismissed



During this audiochat I was set to clear my name when I was falsely accused of vile lies by Ariel, an account with roughly half a million subscribers on twitter, who I had JUST recently exposed for child porn. He pulled a NO U! on me, and by virtue of his reach – here we are. Big lies shouted when truths are whispered will do this, people like Adam Green and Handsome Truth and Inthematrixxx said I sold drugs to kids, people said I was a homosexual, people like Stew Peters (who has been arrested for impersonating police, btw) said I raped children. Handsome Truth vulgarly ridiculed and mocked my children for being mixed race, doxxed my wife, and threatened my life.

They humiliated me with a 9 hour “struggle session”.

I was accused without fair opportunity (almost any at all) to respond to the Stew Peters & Gang pile on part two portion of this space. I have been told by many of those people that I had it coming, for exposing these people in the past. As if it’s fair to call me a pedophile because on a decade old drug mugshot because I exposed them with facts. And saying to Lie to “Piss off Dustin”

I was called Divisive, psychopathic, and narcissistic for wanting to defend my reputation or get a chance to reply to these lies in the space. For defending myself – I was told I was a narcissist and shouldn’t be heard.

They even made another space to smear me as a narcissist after what they did to me in the first space.

Wulf Gotcha Space – Calling me a Narcissist for Self Defense

Not only did @IanMalcolm84 fail to moderate (almost at all, very little – I was given seconds of rebuttal time for 10 minute blocks of people alleging I am a pedophile. The few chances to speak I did get were met with unmoderated over talking and interruption. When you point this out, he’ll tell you I had most of the time to talk… but that was BEFORE Stew showed up for the last 7 hours.

Ian Malcolm Defense – Quotes


After He threw “Gasoline on the fire” as Ian put it, he left his post as moderator and let it happen. “At one point, I just took the hands off the wheel as it became exhausting.”

Yeah. Imagine how I felt as your passenger.

Ian left moderation

it got so bad at one point I said “I don’t get to respond” and Ian actually said “No, No you don’t!” and joined in on, essentially, calling me a whiny psychopath because I complained about getting no rebuttal time when being called a pedophile over 30-40 time by Stew Peters and others, without any moderation on Stew.

Why? Because Stew is famous and gets what he wants. I literally didn’t get a chance to speak for 30+ minute blocks of Stew calling me a pedophile jew (without any evidence whatsoever in circles) over a 7 hour period.

get this..

Until Stew peters gave Ian permission to let me speak. Almost immediately the overtalk and silencing began again.

When repeatedly asked to reign in and moderate his space, Ian rarely ever acted and when he did it was often to silence me, refuse to let me speak, and allow them to continue overtalking me – then shame me for complaining about it… At the end they kept calling me a psychopath for saying ‘please can I respond?’

This was his response, “No, No You Can’t.” –

“I keep trying to calm things down but it’s such big personalities” – @Ianmalcolm84

I want to make it clear going into this that I believe Ian chose the pragmatic choice to side with the popular friend rather than adequately defend the accused and attacked friend. I do not agree with it, I think it was immoral. But I understand it – I forgive him. Let’s direct our ire at those who spread these lies.


Maybe I am just unimpressed with Stew’s star power…


I’ve been exposing pedophiles and fake news since before Jew Peters gave up trying to be a youtube badass bounty hunter and failed rapper after the government told him to stop impersonating police, or else….I’ve been attacked by all the fake news, smeared and ridiculed for my losses which are more than his, and all Stew could do was talk about himself and act like no one else had ever suffered. And of course, complain about how he was so persecuted and losing money while offering to pay for everyone’s flights and bragging about his success at the same time.

You aren’t the only one whose famous and has been attacked, Stew. But you sure seem to think so.

Stew Peters just got SUPER triggered and raged for nearly 7 hours about how he NAMES THE JEW (he kinda does, but I got grandmas in my audience who name them harder) and how I am “IRRELEVANT” yet he had to come “Confront” me and then demanded I “substantiate” and “justify” my claims then refused to let me speak as he filibustered and lied and insulted me for being an anon for 5+ hours. Everyone piled on, almost 0 moderation.



Ian a few times quietly reminded the room it was allegations but basically gave the floor to Stew N Crew.

Comments – Better Polls – The WIll Incarnate

Stew’s super terrified because I am exposing him as a jewish controlled op who KINDA names the jew to get you to trust him.

During this time I was NOT allowed to speak or rebuttal any of the lies such as Stew calling me a Jew or Pedo. When I attempted to do so, I was shouted down or said I was interrupting. I think I spoke about a total of 10 minutes with 8 of that being shouted at by the entire room.

He made many statements. I want to address some.

1. Germans don’t have your nose, or skull shape. I am German.

2. He bragged a lot about how he names the jew, and went on Alex jones etc. But when he went on Alex Jones he said “Not all jews” and sat there demure as Alex Jones diverted. Total Controlled op associations with “I am Jewish” Neverjew Jones and Ivan Raiklin, Soviet Jew. And others.

3. He kept saying basically WHAT HAS HE DONE!?

Well, Stew… While you were still a failed rapper and then failed youtube bodyhunter I was exposing pedophiles and corruption.

I’ve done more documentaries than you. I’ve been at this longer than you, and I built the great awakening until you profiteer from and the other jews co-opted it.

4. Does Stew REALLY Expose Jews? Explore that here.

But, “Stew Peters Names the Jew!”
“Not practicing Jews” – Stew
“Zionists” – Stew
“I’ll take money from anyone – anyone, if the devil himself ill give you a million dollars. Ok, great.” ~Stew Peters
*Documentaries DONT name the Jew…*
“All Jews are Demons” – Nemos
“A demon is a dead jew” – Nemos
God said “Leave nothing alive” – Nemos


Stew Peters Challenges Dustin Nemos, Lies About Naming ALL Jews on Alex Jones

Stew Peters on AJ “These Arent PRACTICING JEWS” (No, Stew? Not the Antichrist Baby Eaters?)


Even after the first 3 hours had cleared my name, including expert testimony from a 14 year police vet named Alpha with relevant experience had confirmed what the entire room had agreed to – No children were harmed and a pedophile was lying about me, then Stew Peters and gang showed up to drag it all back into the mud of deception and lies.

Random Neutral Ex Cop Confirms Nemos Didn’t Hurt Kids – Truthteller Ignores, Triples Down.

They know its a lie. They don’t care. They want to hurt me.

I know they know, because I told them, and asked them to retract, and they refused to retract or vet but mocked me and doubled down. And we have hundreds of thousands of witnesses!

I endured. I remained standing all the way up until 7am or so local time, I didn’t sleep that night. I took my children to the zoo trip we had planned, I gave some thought to my actions and response. And I spent the rest of the day documenting everything everyone had said in detail for any attorney willing to help me collect. I pledge to give MOST of the proceeds to FEMA denied HURRICANE VICTIMS in Appalachia, my home – directly to vetted families in need. I only intend to keep enough to cover taxes and a small home. If anyone has a good libel & defamation attorney to give me pointers on how to hire the right attorney in the right area – please send them my way.

It is important to note, All of these liars, then ran with these unvetted claims which came up AFTER I exposed Ariel/@Prolotario1 ‘s child pornography confessions and lies.

Begging the question – are they connected?

Are people gatekeeping for pedophiles?

InTheMatrixx – Gatekeeper for Child Porn

Or simply kicking me when down because I’ve exposed them in the past as subversive jews, liars, and/or pedos?

Note the Victim Blamers – Dustin Nemos
Shameless comments – Calling me Divisive for Defending

My response to such people…

Unfair Trial – Dustin Nemos




these people are behind the vile accusations:

Stew Peters

Stew “Not All Jews” Peters – POSER JEWNAMER, Liar, Pedojacketer, Grifter.

Handsome Truth

The Ugly Truth about Handsome Truth: Jon Minadeo Exposed as Tran Homo Jewtino Astroturfer Entrapment Psyop

Adam Green

IntheMatrixxx – Jeffrey Pederson
Nick Alvear

During this space, a number of speakers joined in to attack me. Many of whom have now retracted any claims of pedophilia and confirmed they do not believe the allegations during the first 3-4 hours of the Space Ian hosted. By the end of the first portion of the space covering the title topic, clearing my name – it was universally agreed that I was not a pedophile, yet my accuser was!

Zach (Logos)
Doc Holliday.
And others, many of which have now retracted the vile allegations and confirmed them to be false.

When someone who didn’t even support me but was neutral stood up for me from the speakers panel, they were REMOVED.

By the end, it had devolved into Handsome Truth and others bashing me for being crippled. Doxing my wife, attacking my children, and talking about wanting to fight me. Madz came up and called me a narcissist psychopath and everytime I respond “Can I respond?” she says no thats just what a narcissist psychopath would want! I kid you not, see it here for yourself. 

Highschool never ends.

But what shocks me most…

Dustin Nemos – Initial Response

isn’t that vile lying jews lied vile lies about me for exposing a pedophile.

It’s that the speakers crowd almost unanimously ate it up, simped for stew, and refused to adhere to intellectual honesty. Despite a number of them previously respecting and platforming me – Some even called me friend.

People whom normally are hard hitting honest brave truthers turned into absolutely fanboys for Stew Peters.

I realized who many people are today…

But after letting Stew Peters say vile lies about me for about 7 hours…

I also realized, I could absolutely win a lawsuit…against a number of these liars.

I am interested in finding an attorney, incidentally. I believe we can meet the burden. Any suggestions for this?

We know they know – Dustin Nemos

Of course the silver lining is this, everyone agrees that Ariel should be investigated for his child porn admissions.


Did Dustin Lie? Never. “Truthteller” Just Kept Repeating it – Lying

@TruthtellerFTM – Unrepentant Serial Liar, Subversive Anti-Nazi Subversive Muhammad-Defender.


Truthteller no evidence – comments


That’s Hard to Believe!

Truthteller seized on something that seems hard to believe (namely, that Vicodin could be labeled heroin), and continued to call me a lying drug dealer pedophile as a result.

My sister left a bottle of VICODIN PILLS in my home, that’s it. Nothing altered or cooked or changed. etc. That is the facts of the case and legal documents.

This NC Law firm explains how the law actually works, and how @Truthtellerftm is a liar protecting Stew Peters who has been exposed as a Jew and last night, exposed his jewish nature for all to see. I told him about this, he continues to lie.

Pills Not Heroin…

Not Allowed to Forget!

He also seized on one other thing. After Admitting I had a “heroin trafficking” charge on my record, and that I couldn’t remember the details from a decade ago, he says I am lying because I failed to include the pot charge that came with it. I had cannabis in my home, my spine was crushed by an SUV and look at what opiates did to my family.. I confess, I used the cannabis to help my back pain and it was also taken in the arrest – and I had forgotten that. But is that a lie? Is it fair to seize on a forgotten memory of a decade ago when I warned you the details were fuzzy to call me a liar? You decide.

Fake Confession
Truth_teller Liar

Truthteller tried to twist my words into a sick confession to being a pedophile when I told Stew “You’re more of a pedophile than I am”

Which is another way of saying, “there’s more evidence for you being a pedophile than I”

He says its a confession I’m a pedophile. Ironically while completely ignoring Ariel who confessed to child porn in order to gang up on me..


Ironically. The only way you could take this to mean I am a pedophile is if you accept Stew Peters is MORE of a Pedophile! and Truth would NEVER criticize Stew…Even when Stew bashes anons. Because if Stew is NOT a pedophile (and more than) then I am definitely not a pedophile. Grammar matters….

Comments – Awake2024
Comments – Truthteller smears – reaction


Turned on his sister

I took the fall for my sister. My aunt helped me to do so.

@Truthtellerftm is telling all those millions following this that I threw them both under the bus for myself. Or am an informant because my drug addicted prostitute aunt provided information about heroin dealers to help us both out. (long ago) they are in prison now.

All of this was made public (by me) years ago, numerous times, including here:
and my now banned youtube channels. I’ve never tried to hide anything. I’ve always been an open book, and I believe any public figure should do the same.
How can we trust you, if you hide things?

At the same time Truth teller is implying I was selling drugs from my home, he also implies I was hurting children outside of my home with it. Illogical. Did the arrest happen in my home for drugs or on a playground for selling them? He’s got nothing but lies.

Comments – Duncan MCleod



Gay Stripper Lie

I am heterosexual, no homo. I was a bartender in a bar that had some gays and a ton of their female friends whom I danced with. The 30yo virgin crowd didn’t get it.. and accused me of being a “gay stripper” which is not something I have ever done or accepted as a label.
I’m not gay. I was a lecherous womanizer who hung out in nightclubs. In my youth. almost 20 years ago.

“Heroin Trafficker”

The “heroin trafficking” was dismissed.

All they can do is lie.


Threatened my children with the same CPS that trafficked my sister and brother.


Truthteller threatens my children with CPS


Truthteller Wont Debate Me



He also repeated the lie that I sold drugs to children, without any evidence.

The Joy at my Humiliations


There has been much elation among those who formerly welcomed my words at my struggle session of one sided humiliation last night…

I will point out, that despite my sinful past… I have never harmed anyone. I hope you all enjoyed your victory in convincing 66% of Hundreds of thousands of people and counting people that I am a pedophile and horrible person.

On the flip side. 1/3 of those people will never trust anyone who jumped into the bandwagon of attacking me with lies. Which means I will be more hated than ever… And my audience will be growing more than it ever has with people who saw me go through all that, and come out of it innocent, and flip the table on my accusers. That is a heritage from GOD almighty, YHWH. As Isaiah 54:17 says:



The People Decide – Innocent until Proven Guilty? Setup? Why?


I’ve exposed a number of Jews recently who have libeled me with the vilest accusations, and some people then accuse me of

In my defense, I will not only tear apart the baseless and vile lies of these monsters – I will use the words of the community to prove that these positions and points are not my own. I will use the words of those good people out there who Noticed what happened – many of whom don’t even like me.


People saw right through their evil setup witch trial of guilty until proven innocent.


The audience quickly saw right through the lies and complete one sided bias. Even those who don’t agree with me, in some……


Here is public commentary:


Even Brother Nathanael stood up for me. Biggest surprise of the night.

Brother Nathaniel Defends Nemos



Comments – Composite


Comments – Biggest Hit Job on X
Comments – Calling me a coward repeatedly


Comments – Dancelife – Dustin Forgave Ian


Comments – David Icke


Comments – Melissa Sabatino


Comments – One Sided Trial – Barbara Vance


Comments – Phoenix Rising



Comments – Phoenix Rising2



Comments – Sir Escanor Calls Out Stew Peters



Comments – Sir Escanor


Comments – Tetelestai


This audiochat space was so unfair, other spaces were hosted to talk about how unfair it was. And these guys hate me!

Comments – Unfairness of witch Trial of Dustin Nemos


The Host of that space, “RandoGentile”, also said this:

Comments – Witch Hunt – Rando Gentile


Comments – Zumrud


Mud Washes Off


Hmm. Interesting. I’d like to know what Kaleb knows about this. Huge account.

Other Stew Peters Lies



Ian Does it a Second Time.



@IanMalcolm84 – Victim Blaming Subversive Liar



What comes next? The Jewiest Lawyer I Can Find

Dustin Nemos Be Like – Stew Peters I Want Your JEW GOLD!

Comments – The Will Incarnate – Table Flip Coming

I would like to find a really good attorney to take down a number of famous “antisemites” who lied about me being a pedophile to 200,000 + people in one space and their 3,000,000+ individual followers (collectively)

I pledge to donate almost all the funds (after taxes and a modest home for myself, being a persecuted reporter the jews have basically debanked and made impoverished) directly to specific families in need in Appalachia’s Hurricane Helene (Hurricane Victims)

I am not doing this for money. I’d like to have a home and I think its fair, but Most of the “proceeds” will go directly to the victims.

May YHWH lead me to the right attorney(s) to take these bastards down. Maybe a big jewish law firm…






Clearing up the misconceptions.

Allow me to be clear. I regret nothing but losing my temper and using bad words. This was an EXCELLENT event that taught millions of people important truths about everyone involved.

I hope it happens again.

I am not trapped in here with them. They are trapped in here with me. And I am just getting started.

Slung Mud washes off. Being a lying jew and or pedophile? Never.


Trapped with Me – Dustin Nemos


The Jews tried to take me down, brethren. Assassination of Character always comes first… We know the next step. The next step is they kill me. I am not suicidal.