American Civil War 2.0 – Dem Proxy Army + Arson = “Greatest Loss Of Life In State History” (Update: Jewfires)


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Must Read: Antifa: Jewish Paramilitary & Jews and DEWS – Jewish “Space” Lasers

All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames

Satellite Imagery from College of DuPage Meteorology Department Shows Over a Dozen Fires in Quebec Start Up at Almost the Exact Same Time

Depopulation, Climate Change, and Weather Weapons


Updates 1.12.25

LA “Wild”Fires – DEWS and ARSON

Palisades Inferno Forces More Evacuations, Burns Near 405 Freeway

Jews and DEWS – Jewish “Space” Lasers & 5G

No Water, Cancelled Insurance, DEI Focus, and Fired Firefighters… The Liberal Inferno!

US Gov Used Direct Energy Weapons “DEWS” on American Citizens in BOMBSHELL Report


Update 3.4.24

Deadly Texas Wildfires Scorch Over 1 Million Acres, Kill Thousands of Livestock, Destroy Crops

TX Jewlasers Caught on Camera as TEXAS BURNS!

Update 2.28.24

Massive Wildfires Engulf Parts of Texas Panhandle – 60 Counties Under Threat – Evacuations Underway (VIDEO)

Update 2.9.24 – DEWs again

Chile Burned To The Ground: “It’s Maui All Over Again!”

Update 6.8.23 – Again –

Apocalyptic Haze Engulfs New York City as Canadian Wildfires Push Air Quality to Unprecedented Levels, Making it the World’s Most Polluted City

Update 5.9.23 – It’s happening again, in Alberta, Canada.

13,000 Evacuated As Over 100 Wildfires Burn Across Alberta

8.31.23 – Clearly THEM again.

Silent War Ep. 6338: Maui Wild(Jew) Fires – Foreknowledge, Coverup, Blackout! – Trump Mugshot.

8.31.23 – Europe Burns too


Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana’s Largest-Ever Wildfire in History

In This Report:






















Disgraced Professor Sentenced for Action That Could Have Trapped Firefighters in Deadly Blaze

Click the “Play” button and turn up the sound for this report from Dustin Nemos!
Email, text, or share this report to your friends and family members that are tracking the Storm ... or who need to be. Nothing can stop what is coming... Nothing.  

IMPORTANT: YouTube is censoring, unsubscribing, and un-notifying patriots across the board. Click Here for the best way to keep up with news updates >>

Q – Memes Compromised, Antifa Burning Oregon Down, Antifa Wages Proxy Civil War for Dem SlaveMasters

Kent Heckenlively & Dustin Nemos on the Fallout from Plague of Corruption & Plandemic

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