CDC Just Deleted 6,000 Vaccine Deaths. “Suicide Vaccines” are Killing People.


CDC Just Deleted 6,000 Vaccine Deaths. “Suicide Vaccines” are Killing People.

Are they culling us? Are people waking up too fast?

RELATED: Vaccine Kills between 1,072,847 and 2,616,700 in United States per Gov. Data.

As reported earlier the CDC-linked VAERS website has been reporting skyrocketing deaths linked to the Covid19 “suicide” vaccines.

The website has now recorded 11,140 reported deaths from the COVID vaccine in the United States.

This is up from 9,125 reported deaths from the COVID-19 vaccinations total from last week according to the CDC’s own data.

On Wednesday the CDC also posted that there were 12,313 reported deaths from the COVID Vaccine this year.

This number correlates with the VAERS website number.

But then the CDC went back hours later and switched it to 6,079 reported deaths in the US from the COVID Vaccine.

The CDC deleted 6,000 vaccine deaths from its website in the span of 6 hours. Too much truth getting out?

Recall, only about 1% of deaths or adverse effects are ever reported to the VAERS system.

Did they just remove 600,000 (Based on the underreported death toll) dead from the official record?

Are they culling us? Are people waking up too fast?

Chat Comment:

“One of the greatest achievements of mankind.”
That’s what Donald Trump said about the deadly bioweapon known as the vaccine and he praised
his administration’s success in getting the vaccine developed on his watch.
Dec 23, 2021

“We are seeing right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week.
“This data is consistent across every player in that business.”

Murdered by the vaccine
(1) Columbia University Study………………= 443,860 murdered
(2) Jessica Rose Ph.D, Data Scientist….= 769,637 murdered
(3) CMS Database WhistleBlower……….= 2,250,000 murdered
(4) Harvard-Pilgrim Study………………….= 3,500,000 murdered
(5) Edward Dowd……………………………..= 300,000 murdered, 1.36 million permanently disabled

[note: All above are controlled opposition agents/groups, be careful]
—Keep in mind VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
currently records the following deaths from the quack-cine:
35,000 murdered as of March 31st, 2023
(1) “Columbia University Study” , study title: COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk

(2) Jessica Rose Ph.D, Data Scientist, VAERS x 31 (under-reporting factor)
Using Pfizer’s Phase III Clinical Data set,
The Viral Delusion Part 1 the Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-Cov-2
timemark: 1hr, 58minutes
(Steve Kirsch uses an Under-reporting factor of 41)

(3) CMS Database, Attorney Thomas Renz “We got them. Fact check this!”
All new whistleblower info ! ,

(4) The “Harvard Pilgrim Study” , VAERS x 100 (under-reporting factor)

“I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it.
To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.”
— Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

~Dream Walker

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