U.S. Army suggests soldiers apply for food stamps to combat inflation woes


As if it wasn’t currently hard enough to recruit individuals to join the United States military, it is being recommended for current soldiers to apply for food stamps.

The U.S. army is recommending soldiers apply for the food stamp program called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), as inflation is making it increasingly harder to purchase goods.

A guidance was written by Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Grinston. He wrote:

“With inflation affecting everything from gas prices to groceries to rent, some Soldiers and their families are finding it harder to get by on the budgets they’ve set and used before. Soldiers of all ranks can seek guidance, assistance, and advice through the Army’s Financial Readiness Program.”

“SNAP is a U.S. government program that provides benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families via an electronic benefits transfer card that can be used like a debit card to purchase eligible food in authorized retail food stores. Service members and their families may be eligible,” the Army guidance continues.

“To determine qualification, visit the SNAP website or call the SNAP information line at 800-221-5689.”

The Center Square reports that Federal inflation data released in August shows that food prices have risen at the fastest rate since the 1970’s.

Center Square adds:

“Based on the Pentagon’s own data, 24% of enlisted personnel are food insecure,” said Mackenzie Eaglen, an analyst at the American Enterprise Institute. “While food stamps are a Band-Aid, they’re also an admission that basic pay for enlisted troops and their families is too low – further exacerbated by unyielding inflation causing paychecks to shrink more.”

“The food index increased 10.9 percent over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending May 1979,” BLS said. “The food at home index rose 13.1 percent over the last 12 months, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending March 1979,” BLS said. “The index for other food at home rose 15.8 percent and the index for cereals and bakery products increased 15.0 percent over the year. The remaining major grocery store food groups posted increases ranging from 9.3 percent (fruits and vegetables) to 14.9 percent (dairy and related products).”


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